Daylilies ship May to September, Irises ship in July until mid-August.
18349 Sciota Street Corry PA 16407
The website is open now for 2025 orders.
Tall bearded iris 'Wintry Sky' (Keith Keppel, R. 2002)., height 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards steeplechase blue central area shading to light blue edge, midrib flushed foxglove; style arms light blue; Falls blue white, foxglove shading in throat beside beard; beards cream at end, yellow in throat, with blue base; heavily ruffled
This is a beautifully ruffled iris with huge blooms. Outstanding!
Daylily Planting - Daylilies like full sun the best, however, they will grow in partial sun and shade. Dig a hole that is twice as large as the root system and about 12" deep. Leave a little mound of soil in the center to place the plant on, spreading the roots out around it. Cover with soil but make sure that the crown of the roots is no more than one inch below the surface of the soil. Water well for the first couple of weeks and when you have dry periods. They do love Miracle Gro! Mulch is good for Daylilies to hold the moisture in the soil
Iris Planting - Irises love full sun and well drained soil. Work your soil 10-12". Plant your irises with the top of the rhizome exposed to the sun. They will not bloom if planted to deep and are susceptible to rot if they are too deep. Cover the roots with soil. You may have to stand them up a time or two before they take root especially if it is windy or you have cats in your gardens like me! Water them until you see new growth, but don't go overboard with the water as that can cause rot. Fertilizer can be applied in the spring. What I have found works best is equal parts of 10-10-10 and Superphosphate. This equals a 5-27-5 mixture. The best time to apply here is zone 5 is when the Forsythia is in bloom
We have over 600 Daylily cultivars growing here along with over 600 Irises. All plants are field grown, meaning that we don't grow them in a greenhouse. Instead, they are "field" grown outside. They have survived at least one of the famous "Snowbelt of Pennsylvania's" harsh winters. A normal winter for us is about 120" of snow. This means hardy plants! We have shipped plants to every state in the 48 states (except Hawaii and Alaska) We do not ship outside of these states - sorry, no foreign orders.
Our guarantee is that you will be pleased with the plants that you receive. If you are not, please contact us and return them for a full refund.
We are in USDA Zone 5.
We start shipping Daylilies around May 1st, depending on how we are fairing with late spring freezes. All Daylilies are double fans. Bearded Irises start shipping around July 1st, depending also on our spring weather. Irises need to rest for 30 days after blooming before digging. Iris bloom season is usually the first week or so of June. Siberian Irises can ship anytime from May to September.
The website accepts Paypal. If you prefer to mail a check or money order, please email me and we can arrange that. You are also able to purchase gift cards.
We do not offer retail sales at our farm due to my work schedule.
Key to Abbreviations:
DF- Double fan
Tet- Tetraploid
Dip- Diploid
SEv-Semi-evergreen foliage
EVr- Evergreen foliage
Dor- Dormant foliage
E-Early bloom
EM- Early/midseason bloom
M- Midseason bloom
ML- Mid/Late Season
L- Late Season
Frag- Fragrant
Re- reblooms